International Epilepsy Day is a joint initiative of the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE).
This annual event promotes epilepsy awareness globally. With IBE and ILAE represented in more than 140 countries, it’s a powerful opportunity to highlight problems faced by people with epilepsy and their families in every region of the world.
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Individuals and organizations use the day to raise awareness of the medical and social aspects of epilepsy at the community level or to advocate for greater governmental support. This year, February 14, Valentine’s Day, has special meaning as we work together to raise awareness and understanding of the challenges facing those with epilepsy. Ugandan advocate Nina Mago recently spoke about the damaging impact of stigma on the International Epilepsy Day website:

“The effects of stigma are lucid in my mind, even now. I was considered a shy and introverted child, but this was due to fear and isolation brought about by segregation and name calling, resulting from myths and misconceptions about epilepsy … I hope for significantly more awareness and communities that are inclusive; allowing people with epilepsy to live dignified, meaningful and highly impactful lives.”
Nina Mago
At ROW Foundation, every day is Epilepsy Day. We partner with OWP Pharmaceuticals to improve the lives of people with epilepsy in under-resourced regions of the world. Over fifty million people with epilepsy live in low- and middle-income countries, but only about one-fourth of them can access medical care—the treatment gap is huge!
ROW supports epilepsy training, diagnosis, and treatment initiatives to narrow treatment gaps around the world. We also fund programs that combat stigma and improve economic opportunities for families affected by epilepsy. Check out our program map at to see the 30 countries we have impacted. Consider becoming a financial partner to help us improve more lives in 2022. 100% of all gifts go where designated.