Epilepsy is Global. Epilepsy is Personal.

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Epilepsy affects around 65 million people worldwide. The risk of premature death is two-to-three times higher than for the general population.

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Living in Low & Middle Income Countries

80% of people with epilepsy live in low- and middle-income countries. Across these regions, 75% cannot access medical treatment for seizures.

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Untreated in Low & Middle Income Countries

An estimated 39 million remain undiagnosed and untreated. Up to 70% could achieve seizure control with medication.

The ROW Global Family

ROW Foundation

A United States 501(c)(3) private foundation, and member of the ROW family, founded in 2014. ROW (“Rest of World”) Foundation serves as the project manager for all ROW projects. ROW Foundation is also the conduit for all resources (funding and treatment medication) from OWP Pharmaceuticals.

ROW Global Health

A United States 501(c)(3) public charity, and the newest member of the ROW family. Founded in 2021, ROW Global Health mobilizes resources from the public sector for programs and partners identified by ROW Foundation. While initially focused on epilepsy, ROW Global Health anticipates filling additional healthcare gaps in the future.

OWP Pharmaceuticals

A pharmaceutical company created as part of the ROW social enterprise. OWP’s focus is supporting providers and patients in the U.S. with beneficial medications and donating profits and medication to ROW Foundation. OWP uses commercial success for the common good by supporting humanitarian projects rather than solely maximizing profits.

Epilepsy is a global problem that deserves a global solution.

We share the World Health Organization’s belief that “the highest attainable standard of health is a fundamental right of every human being.” In that spirit, we’re working toward a world in which the same standard of care for epilepsy and associated psychiatric disorders is available to all people, at all times, in all the world. ROW = Rest of World.

Helping Solve The Epilepsy Treatment Gap

Program Report

Latest Updates

ROW in Sierra Leone

ROW traveled to Sierra Leone to visit our partners… What we observed first-hand was the extreme difficulties faced by people with epilepsy…

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November Newsletter

November is Epilepsy Awareness Month. There are an estimated 39 million people with undiagnosed and untreated epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries…

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2023 Amanda Award

ROW is very proud to announce that the recipient of the 2023 Amanda Award is Tolu Olaniyan, the Founder and CEO of Pretola Global Health & Consulting Limited…

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Our Partners

ROW Foundation is proud to partner with a wide variety of organizations that support and provide improved epilepsy care in under-resourced areas, including:

ROW Vision

ROW exists to improve the lives of people living with epilepsy and associated psychiatric disorders in under-resourced areas around the world. We envision a future where the best treatments will be available to all people, at all times, in all the world. One World. One Standard.®

ROW Mission

In fulfilling our vision, the ROW works to improve the quality of training, diagnosis and treatment available to people with epilepsy and associated psychiatric disorders in under-resourced areas of the world. We partner with other organizations to maximize impact in under-served areas, both domestically and internationally.