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ROW’s Support for Children with Epilepsy

Although ROW Foundation supports people with epilepsy of all ages, we have several child-focused programs, one being our partnership with the CURE Children’s Hospital of Uganda (CURE Uganda), one of Africa’s leading pediatric hospitals for brain surgery and the treatment of neurological conditions.

ROW provides medication (Roweepra®) to CURE Uganda’s epilepsy program, which helps children whose seizures are uncontrolled by locally available medications. After a 2019 visit by ROW’s Director of Global Programs, we were instrumental in helping coordinate a grant for a desperately needed EEG machine to help properly diagnose epilepsy.

That EEG has proved extremely useful for the hospital, so we were delighted when another foundation approached us to partner in creating a new EEG Diagnostic Room at CURE Uganda. Among other things, the new room allows for video observation of patients undergoing testing. Thanks to the grant, the room is now fully operational and helping CURE Uganda provide improved, specialized care to vulnerable children suffering with epilepsy and other seizure disorders.

“On behalf of these vulnerable patients and families we serve,” says Timothy Erickson, CURE Uganda’s Executive Director, “we would like to again express our most sincere thanks for the gracious grant support for our EEG Diagnostic Room project. We cannot thank you all enough for your remarkable partnership with us in providing healing to these vulnerable children.”

Daniel, pictured here, is an adopted fifteen-year-old boy who suffers from epilepsy that has kept him from attending school with his peers. The happy young man is eager for the doctors at CURE Uganda to use their new EEG equipment to learn more about his seizures so they can better treat his condition.

Epilepsy Awareness Month

Throughout Epilepsy Awareness Month in November, we are sharing stories, statistics, and partnerships like CURE Uganda. Follow us on social media (Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn) to discover ways you can help unlock the potential of children all over the world. As we near Giving Tuesday, consider directly impacting children with epilepsy through a one-time or ongoing financial gift.

Thank you for all of the ways you support ROW!

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